What our Clients Say
All clients have an opportunity to fill out a feedback form and share if they like. Here are some quotes from 2023.
"i am calmer and I don't miss alcohol."
"I miss smoking. Make sure you really want to change before starting. "
Moving Past Ex's
"It's been 9 hours since the session and I have no desire to contact my ex."
"When I think of my ex I only think of the negative things he's done. I don't focus on what I miss anymore."
"Much more centered and calm since the session ended."
"The fact that I could go into trance and remove anxiety. I was so skeptical anything could help me. "
"I have not had any sad thoughts the last few days and those were all I used to have."
"Aware that am having a challenge recognizing positive experiences in my life. I am being to notice them again."
"Feeling so centered all day and haven't sabotaged myself at all with bad food."
Feeling Lost
"this was an awesome experience. I will definitely be back for another session and I highly recommend this to anyone who is trying to find the answer to something but don't know how to get there."